The New Jersey Lawyers Assistance Program is
the free and confidential resource assisting all
NJ Lawyers, Judges, Law Students, and Law Graduates
achieve & maintain personal and professional well being.
Videos from previous years are Available to view on NJLAP’s YouTube Channel, @NJLAP
How is your Well-Being? Take this self-assessment and find out
What’s so important about well being for lawyers? Read the reports
Speakers and presentation topics coming soon!
Moderator: Defne Ekin, PhD, NJLAP Team Clinician
Speakers and presentation topics coming soon!
Moderator:James Burke, NJLAP Program Assistant/Resource Coordinator
Speakers and presentation topics coming soon!
Moderator: Nicole Perskie, NJLAP Administrative Director
Speakers and presentation topics coming soon!
Moderator:Eric Salzman, Esq., NJLAP Attorney Counselor
Jennifer Mohamed, Esq
“Facing Fear: Cultivating Emotional Resilience As A Pathway to Success”
Fear is a powerful emotion that can significantly impact our thoughts, behaviors and overall well-being. This presentation focuses on solutions to three issues that affect lawyer well-being.
Kara Perry, Esq.
“Joy Management: Finding Moments of Joy Between Coffee & Chaos”
Let’s experience a jolt of joy! Learn how the legal profession can lighten up with mindfulness, and an open attitude to unlock that inner joy. Stress management is so 2024 - this year, focus on joy management!
Noreen Braman, CLWI CLYL
“Joy is My Watchword - What’s Yours?”
Why have a personal watchword? Here’s one way Merriam-Webster describe it: :a word or motto that embodies a principle or guide to action of an individual or group, also, : a guiding principle
Moderator:Noreen Braman, NJLAP Communications Manager
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